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San Miniato Summer School on Random Dynamical Systems and their Perturbations (Sept 16-20, 2019)

Data pubblicazione: 13.05.2019
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The 2019 edition of the Summer School of Mathematics for Economic and Social Sciences, organized by the Mathematics Research Center 'Ennio De Giorgi' with the support of  the International Doctoral Program in Economics of the Sant'Anna School, will focus on Random Dynamical Systems and their Perturbations.

Title: An introduction to random dynamical systems and their perturbations

Description: The course will introduce an approach to the study of the statistical properties of deterministic and random dynamical systems through the transfer operator method. This approach, combined with some basic functional analysis, provides an in-depth characterization of interesting classes of systems.

Topics: Basic Ergodic theory; Random and deterministic systems; Transfer operators, stationary measures and limit laws;  Perturbations, stability, linear response, numerical methods.

Instructor: Stefano Galatolo, University of Pisa.

Venue: Fondazione Conservatorio Santa Chiara, San Miniato, Italy

Time: September 16-20, 2019

Application deadline: 14th June 2019

For further details, application procedures and financial support see the School website.